

Showing 91 - 120 of 152 results

Russia-Ukraine: Ford School experts can discuss

Feb 24, 2022
Ford School experts can discuss Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine and its implications on global politics, economics and the human scale. John Ciorciari is an associate professor of public policy and director of the Ford School of Public...
In the Media

Ali breaks down crisis in Ukraine

Feb 21, 2022 Fox 2 Detroit
Tensions are heightening between Russia and Ukraine, prompting President Biden to meet with his National Security Council to discuss the conflict. "A full-up National Security Council meeting with the President of the United States, those don’t...
In the Media

Levitsky discusses Bolsonaro's visit to Russia

Feb 16, 2022 TV Globo
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro recently visited Russia, despite rumors of a looming Russian invasion into Ukraine. Melvyn Levitsky, professor of international policy and practice, weighed in on the visit.  "I really don’t see any gain that’s...
In the Media

Levitsky says Bolsonaro-Putin meeting hurts U.S.-Brazil relations

Feb 7, 2022 BBC Brazil
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is planning to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin next week. The meeting could affect Brazil's relationship with the United States, due to the current circumstances in Ukraine.  "It is not possible for...

Ali discusses recent developments with ISIS

Feb 3, 2022
Major developments in the fight against ISIS took place in the past week, and the Ford School's Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, whose area of expertise is national security. Early in the week, a 42-year-old American woman, Allison...
In the Media

Ali warns of COVID-related military susceptibility to extremism

Dec 23, 2021 The Hill
As the Pentagon begins to separate out non-vaccinated personnel across different services for refusing to comply with the Defense Department’s COVID vaccine mandate, a risk exists that those people could become targets of domestic extremist...
Conversations Across Differences

Dean's Symposium - The State of Democracy around the World

Apr 12, 2024, 1:00 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom (1110)
Democracy around the world is both robust -- two billion people will be able to cast a ballot in 2924 -- and fragile, as threats to the voting process, to the structures of democratic society, and to the voters themselves afflict many nations. 
Watch live from this page

Selling the China model abroad

Nov 16, 2023, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Weill Hall 3240
Join Dr. Daniel Mattingly for the third installment of the International Policy Research Seminar (IPRS), hosted by the Ford School's International Policy Center (IPC).
Aid & Development

Evaluating democracy & governance-focused development programs

Oct 9, 2023, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EDT
Weill Hall 1220
The International Policy Center (IPC) is hosting this workshop as part of its Aid & Development series. At Aid & Development events, students build practical skills for future international development careers.
Aid & Development

Student conversation with Ms. Tina Byenkya (USAID/Somalia)

Oct 9, 2023, 9:00-10:00 am EDT
Weill Hall 3240
The International Policy Center (IPC) is hosting this breakfast talk as part of its Aid & Development series. At Aid & Development events, students build practical skills for future international development careers.
Aid & Development

Planning for development impact

Sep 11, 2023, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EDT
Sep 13, 2023, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EDT
Weill Hall 1120 (Annenberg Auditorium)
During this Aid & Development workshop, students will develop and apply design, planning, and management skills using a U.S. foreign aid project in Nigeria as a case study.

US-Japan Automotive Conference 2.0

Mar 15, 2019, 10:00 am-4:30 pm EDT
Weiser Hall 1010
A revival of the U.S.-Japan Automotive Conference held annually between 1981 and 1989, USJAC 2.0 will gather industry leaders, policymakers, and scholars from both sides of the Pacific to discuss the past, present, and future of the U.S. and Japanese auto industries, paying particular attention to the issues of trade, management, and technological change. Keynote speaker and panelist announcements forthcoming.

The Future of North American Trade

Nov 15-16, 2018, 5:30-8:00 pm EST
Campbell Conference Facility
 The objective of the North American Colloquium is to provide a forum that strengtens a wider North American Conversation and more fruitful trilateral cooperation between Canada, Mexico and the US. Colloquium will allow for distinct internal/regional and indigenous perspectives within each country to be showcased.
Ford School

The Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region Conference

Nov 8, 2018, 5:30-7:30 pm EST
Annenberg Auditorium, 1110 Weill Hall
Indo-Pacific Conference organized by International Policy Center and Center for Japanese Studies features a keynote by Susan Thornton, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Heath, History, Demography & Development (H2D2): Research Day

Apr 20, 2018, 8:00 am-5:30 pm EDT
Ross School of Business - Robertson Auditorium
The Economics Department at the University of Michigan will be hosting the fourth H2D2 Research Day on Friday, April 20, 2018. We are pleased to have Amitabh Chandra (Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy and Director of Health Policy Research, Harvard Kennedy School) as our keynote speaker. We intend for this mini-conference to draw both faculty and student attendees from the University of Michigan as well as from the greater mid-west and Canada. The conference will focus on the subfields of health, history, development, demography and family economics, broadly defined.
Ford School