

Showing 1 - 30 of 93 results

Ford school faculty available to weigh in on 2024 elections

Jan 28, 2024
The University of Michigan has published an experts guide to the 2024 elections. Ford School faculty are available to offer insights on relevant issues impacting the elections, including the following:  Economics Betsey Stevenson, professor of...
In the Media

ASEAN nations need support to counter China - Ciorciari

Sep 13, 2023 VOA
John Ciorciari, VOA: John Ciorciari, associate professor of public policy at the University of Michigan, said in an email to VOA Khmer that ASEAN remains an important forum for diplomacy, but “without consensus on some of the region’s most pressing...

Ciorciari comments on India-Middle East rail link announcement

Sep 12, 2023
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Joe Biden and other G20 leaders announced plans to construct a rail and shipping corridor that would link India with the Middle East and Europe.  The Ford School's John Ciorciari, whose research...
In the Media

Ciorciari on China's reaction to US-Japan-South Korea accords

Aug 25, 2023 VOA
John Ciorciari, VOA: John Ciorciari, professor of research and policy engagement at the University of Michigan, said in an email to VOA Khmer that in the short term, China will likely act assertively to show that closer cooperation among South...

PPIA students reflect on their summer of study and social life 

Aug 2, 2023
What are the dynamics of inequity in labor markets? How do we determine appropriate categories for people in a multicultural society?  How is the U.S. approach to ethnicity and nationality different from what they are doing in Europe?  These were...
In the Media

Ali on Prigozhin's blunt Ukraine war assessment

Jun 27, 2023 Newsweek
Javed Ali, Newsweek: Javed Ali, an associate professor of practice at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, told Newsweek Monday afternoon that Prigozhin's remarks were the "most blunt and direct repudiation of President Putin's long-standing...
In the Media

Page on scaling of USAID projects

Jun 26, 2023 Devex
Susan D. Page, Devex: Susan Page, who served as U.N. assistant secretary-general to Haiti and in various U.S. government roles, including USAID, said that even when the agency attempts to work with smaller organizations, often the math just doesn’t...
In the Media

Ciorciari: US relationship with India a "counterbalance" to China

Jun 24, 2023 ARD Germany
John Ciorciari, ARD Germany: And this commitment would suit the United States just fine. Because the relationship with the other big "player" in the region, China, has recently gotten worse and worse. John Ciorciari, professor of international...
In the Media

Page speaks about U.S. mistakes in early Sudan negotiations

May 19, 2023 The World
Susan D. Page, The World: "They believed Berhan and Hemedti would in fact turn over power to the civilians...I could not believe that Molly Phee was getting on a plane to go talk to the generals shortly after they launched the coup. A number of us...

Ambassador Page widely sought for Sudan insights

May 10, 2023
As two rival generals continue their deadly feud for control of the Sudanese capital Khartoum, fears are rising of of another major regional conflagration. Ambassador Susan D. Page, Ford School Professor of Practice in International Diplomacy, has...

Ali provides insight into leaked Pentagon documents

Apr 12, 2023
Documents leaked from the Pentagon created a media firestorm, leaving many questions in the minds of Americans. With over 20 years of experience in intelligence, Javed Ali, associate professor of practice, provided analysis on some of the biggest...
In the Media

Ali analyzes congressional hearing on threat of TikTok

Mar 23, 2023 ABC News
Javed Ali, ABC News: "There definitely is a lot of skepticism right now on the Hill, despite the claims from the TikTok CEO about these steps or actions the company has taken to minimize the risk. But I have been listening to the voices of my former...
In the Media

Ali analyzes benefits of designating drug cartels as terrorists

Mar 20, 2023 Federal Newswire
Javed Ali, Federal Newswire: "One of the biggest developments would be bringing material support to terrorism charges against Mexican cartels if so designated by the State Department [and approved by Congress]. These charges have been effective post...
In the Media

Ali discusses Russian aircraft incident over Black Sea

Mar 14, 2023 Newsweek
Javed Ali, Newsweek: "[The downing of the drone] serves as a stark reminder of the potential for small-scale incidents like this to further heighten tensions between both sides and possibly trigger unintended escalation in response. The Biden...
In the Media

Ali: No authority to use military force to fight drug cartels

Mar 7, 2023 AFP
Javed Ali, AFP: "Unless this resolution or any similar one becomes law, there is currently no explicit legal authority that the president has that directly approves military operations against drug cartels in Mexico. (If there was an attack on US...
In the Media

Ali discusses China-Russia relationship

Feb 25, 2023 Newsweek
Javed Ali, Newsweek: "Xi has to make a decision about how to manage that relationship with Russia, and what's most important about that in the fight against Ukraine versus China's biggest strategic ambitions. If the intelligence case was that China...
In the Media

Levitsky on the stakes of Biden's Ukraine visit

Feb 24, 2023 Money Control
Melvyn Levitsky, Money Control: "(Biden's visit to Ukraine) shows the US’s and NATO’s support for Ukraine. It is also a warning to Russia and Putin not to escalate. Putin knows that a nuclear exchange would destroy Russia as well as a number of...

Russia-Ukraine, one year later: Ford School experts can discuss

Feb 23, 2023
University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy experts can discuss Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine and the ensuing war as the one-year anniversary approaches.  Javed Ali, associate professor of practice at the Ford School, is a former...